2 min readFeb 24, 2021


Life is a Performance

I’ve been focusing a lot on owning my worth as an artist and what that means to me. This semester I’ve been making a more conscious effort to incorporate art into my everyday life. I am also trying to work on my perfectionism, and recognize that making art should be enjoyable. I decided to document parts of my day but through my video camera screen. To me, it symbolizes many facets of my life, it’s a glimpse into my everyday. It’s a representation of the pressure I put on myself, and how sometimes I feel like I’m constantly aiming to please, aiming for perfection. It’s as if I feel like I’m always on camera, there are people waiting for me to succeed, or fail. Whether or not that’s true, it’s hard to turn that perfectionist switch off, and simply live my life. I second guess myself despite knowing that I have talent. I’m always striving to be the best at what I do, and sometimes the weight of those expectations can be very stifling. So, I guess this is a manifestation of all of that inner turmoil. It’s my everyday life, but sometimes all of a person’s life can feel like one big performance.

